■ 量子理論 Quantum Theory
 竹森 直  Tadashi Takemori
Combining quantum mechanics and other fundamental theories with numerical and other analytical techniques to investigate a wide range of subjects from semiconductors, lasers, nanomaterial to life phenomena.
 日野 健一  Ken-ichi Hino
Theoretical and computational research of optical properties of condensed matter. Study of low-dimensionalsemiconductors on intense-terahertz induced dynamics and control, excitons, and quantum chaotic scattering. Study of photo-induced phase transition of organic and inorganic molecular crystals.
 小泉 裕康 Hiroyasu Koizumi
The main concern in our laboratory is to elucidate the mechanism of superconductivity in cuprates. We proposed a new current generation mechanism, recently, that utilizes a spin Berry phase.
 鈴木 修吾  Shugo Suzuki
We study magnetic and optical properties of actinide compounds calculating their electronic structures using fully relativistic full potnetial LCAO method.
 仝 暁民 XiaoMin Tong
Using numerical simulations, we study the energy structures of atoms, molecules and ions, and their dynamical processes in the intense laser field; investigate how to control the structures and dynamics by external fields.
 岡田 朗  Akira Okada
Chemistry-Physics theory: theory of electron-atom dynamics in condensed matter consisting of molecular assemble.
 前島 展也  Nobuya Maeshima
Theoretical research of novel optical phenomena of condensed matter. Numerical study on photoinduced dynamics of strongly correlated electron systems, including low-dimensional organic materials and transition metal oxides. Study on optical control of electronic states of semiconductor superlattices.